NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Connect Maintenance PTF DOCUMENT ID: TID250041 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 25JAN94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF436.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Connect 1.0 ABSTRACT: PTF436.EXE is the current maintenance PTF for NetWare Connect 1.0. It improves performance, adds a utility, and solves several problems including two license problems. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SYMPTOM - Install program does not read the license disk. - "Port license has been exceeded". - Divide by zero error. - NCS maximum connect timer not accurate. - NCS timer starts at host connection time and not at remote session start time. - Server crashes if a DOWN/EXIT is done while a NWC port is connected. - Service selector showing unavailable services as available to NCS Dial in Group Users. - Unable to change password using ARAS. - Lines dropping and retransmit problems at speeds above 9600 bps with RNS. - Slow performance with Remote Node. - Slow performance with X.25. SOLUTION 1. Apply PTF 436 according to the installation instructions below. 2. The Divide by Zero Error relates to both DIALCON.EXE and AIOMDMS.MDC. Therefore, some sites must install an AIOMDMS.MDC dated 12/14/93 or later in addition to PTF 436. As of this date the latest AIOMDMS.MDC is in PTF434.EXE. 3. Speeds above 9,600bps tend to result in line drops and retransmit problems if the remote work station has a 8250 or 16450 UART. To get dependable, fast performance with Remote Node we recommend that the remote computer's serial port has a 16550 UART. When you load NRN.COM it will tell you if a 16550 UART has been detected. NRN.COM will not tell you anything if it detects a 8250 or 16450 UART (this will be fixed in a future patch). However, after the installation of this PTF, RNS will support some RNS connections at higher modem rates than it formerly did. NOTE: many internal modems include 8250 or 16450 UART emulation. 4. If you have a 9600bps, or faster, modem and a fairly error free link, you can enhance performance by increasing packet size. To increase packet size, edit NET.CFG by adding the following line under the Link Driver NRN section: "PACKET LENGTH n" n can range from 512 to 1428. For example, replace n with 1024. Similarly, decrease the packet size if your connection is prone to errors. 5. NetWare Connect's Remote Node service is designed to transfer data and is reasonably fast for that purpose. However, as with all other asynchronous remote node products, it is not practical to use NetWare Connect's Remote Node Service to execute across the line, programs which reside on the central file server. This PTF therefore, includes the TSR NETWARN.COM. NetWarn will notify the Remote Node Service user of the path and size of a "large" file when it is accessed. This gives the remote user the opportunity to stop the access before the asynch connection becomes tied up for an unacceptable period of time. NOTE: Do not load NetWarn until RNS connection is established. NetWarn supports the following options: netwarn [/d | /e | /u | /p | /s ] /d disables NetWarn /e enables NetWarn /u unloads NetWarn /p displays the path of the executable /s=n sets the file size in KB which will trigger a warning (n can range from 0 through 9999) The default value for n is 5KB. 6. If you are using NRN to connect to an X.25 network, do the following: A. Specify the Modem type as "Manual" in DIALCON. B. Use the AIPAD driver rather than the one supplied by Newport. C. Add the /PASS option on the server, as follows, when you load AIOPAD: load aiopad x25board=board_name x25port=port_number /pass The /PASS option prevents AIOPAD from performing X.3 processing in data transfer mode. This allows RNS to operate more efficiently. However, if you use the /PASS option, the user will be unable to go into command mode and change X.3 PAD parameters. Self-Extracting File Name: PTF436.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ PTF436.TXT (This File) AIO.NLM 82509 12-21-93 11:49a NCS.NLM 66856 12-16-93 3:04p NRN.COM 33545 10-25-93 11:38a RNS.LAN 23029 11-12-93 12:57p ARAS.LAN 39031 12-08-93 10:09a NASI.EXE 33238 12-14-93 12:05p NASS.NLM 35673 12-21-93 11:49a NASU.NLM 76830 12-21-93 11:49a AIOCON.NLM 71172 10-25-93 11:06a NWCCON.NLM 91008 10-25-93 10:55a NWCLIC.NLM 13598 11-19-93 11:38a DIALCON.EXE 198489 10-13-93 1:09p NETWARN.COM 2431 11-01-93 12:40p Installation Instructions: I. If you have not yet successfully installed NetWare Connect: 1. Copy the following PTF files to the DISK1 directory of the drive from which you will install Netware Connect. AICON.NLM AIO.NLM NASS.NLM NASU.NLM NWCCON.NLM NWCLIC.NLM 2. Copy the following PTF files to the DISK2 directory of the drive from which you will install Netware Connect. DIALCON.EXE NASI.EXE NCS.NLM NRN.COM RNS.LAN 3. Install NetWare Connect. 4. Copy NETWARN.COM into the NRN subdirectory of NetWare Connect. 5. Copy the following new files to the remote PCs. NRN.COM DIALCON.EXE NETWARN.COM II. If you have already successfully installed NetWare Connect: 1. Copy the following files into SYS:\SYSTEM on your Connect server: AIO.NLM AIOCON.NLM ARAS.LAN NASS.NLM NASU.NLM NCS.NLM NWCCON.NLM NWCLIC.NLM RNS.LAN 2. Copy NASI.EXE to SYS:\SYSTEM\NCS on your Connect Server and any workstations on your LAN which will functioning as remotes. 3. Copy the following files to SYS:\SYSTEM\NRN on your Connect Server and to the remote PCs (and any workstations on your LAN which will functioning as remotes). NRN.COM DIALCON.EXE NETWARN.COM 4. Do an NWCSTOP from the server console and down your Connect server. 5. Restart Netware Connect with NWCSTART. Patch History: PTF 436 is the first maintenance PTF for NetWare Connect. It does not supersede PTF 434. "Patches" for NetWare Connect will be in three separate series: - Maintenance - Updates of AIOMDMS.MDC. (currently PTF 434) - Third party AIO drivers for multiport adapter boards. Solution Specifics: 1. Sometimes, Netware Connect would appear to install but the install program could not read the license disk. 2. Sometimes, NetWare Connect and the license disk would appear to install, but an attempt to add new ports would result in an error message saying the port license had been exceeded. 3. The default port configuration is "unknown". This had to be changed to either a particular modem or "none" by users. After applying this PTF, "unknown" will simply result in a port not showing. 4. The NCS connect timer was not accurate. 5. The NCS timer would start at host connection time and not at remote session start time. 6. The server might crash if you did a DOWN/EXIT while a NWC port was connected. 7. The Macintosh utility, ARAS Set Password, could not change a password. ÿ